
With the help of CrossGenerate, a data solution can be implemented much faster. Our free generator is independent of technology and architecture. This makes CrossGenerate suitable for implementing a completely new solution, but it can also be used in an existing solution to speed up development.

CrossGenerate is our free and open-source generator for data solutions. In a model-driven approach, the generator generates the software based on the model and software templates.

Supports any technology

Code templates can be created in any technology. The templates are maintained in the IDE associated with the technology. So an SSIS template can be built in Visual Studio, an Azure Data Factory template in the Azure Data Factory web environment, SQL template in a SQL editor etc.

Architecture independent

CrossGenerate has no built-in architecture patterns. Whether a Datavault, dimensional model, Inmon or other modeling form is desired, CrossGenerate can be connected to this.

Why CrossGenerate

Need help?

When you want to start using CrossGenerate we can help you to get a kick-start. This way you can be up and generating as fast as possible. Contact us to discuss possibilities.

Want to start right now?

Want to get started with CrossGenerate yourself? Try it now using our Getting started guide.
Need some help implementing CrossGenerate, don’t heasitate to contact us.

Afspraak plannen

Met onderstaande formulier kunt u vrijblijvend een online gesprek plannen.

Kies eerst een datum en vervolgens het tijdstip naar uw wens, vul uw gegevens in en klik op ‘Reserveren’. U krijgt een bevestiging van de afspraak per mail toegezonden.

Schedule appointment

Use the form below to schedule a free online consultation.

First, select a date and then your preferred time, enter your details, and click ‘Reserve’. You will receive a confirmation of the appointment via email.