About us

Since 2018, we have been supporting companies in developing data solutions faster and smarter. CrossBreeze employees have years of experience in developing data solutions and are specialized in model-driven development and code generation. We distinguish ourselves from other companies through our model-driven approach, which we also support with self-developed tools.

Our team

Harmen Wessels

Owner Data Solution Consultant

Willem Otten

Owner Data Solution Consultant

Jacob Siemaszko

Data Solution Consultant

Refai Othman

Data Solution Consultant

Moo Othman

Data Solution Consultant

Özcan Seker

Data Solution Consultant

Richane Ramsoedit

Data Solution Consultant

Afspraak plannen

Met onderstaande formulier kunt u vrijblijvend een online gesprek plannen.

Kies eerst een datum en vervolgens het tijdstip naar uw wens, vul uw gegevens in en klik op ‘Reserveren’. U krijgt een bevestiging van de afspraak per mail toegezonden.

Schedule appointment

Use the form below to schedule a free online consultation.

First, select a date and then your preferred time, enter your details, and click ‘Reserve’. You will receive a confirmation of the appointment via email.