Data-Driven Decisions

CrossBreeze develops custom data solutions for and with companies. Our approach ensures a quick and good result. We support various platforms and techniques with our working method and self-developed tools. Both on-premise and in the cloud!

Your organization uses different software systems to support business processes. All these systems contain data. Often these systems also include reporting functions to gain insight into the processes supported by the system.

But what if data from multiple systems have to be combined for an insight? Then the reporting functions of the source systems are usually not sufficient.

Often a report is made for such a subject in Excel or a product such as PowerBI or Tableau is used to obtain the desired insight. However, complications arise when data volumes increase, the logic to link sources together becomes more complex or if historical data is needed that is no longer present in the source.

CrossBreeze is a specialist in developing data solutions for these types of issues, for example:

We distinguish ourselves from other companies through our model-driven approach. This means that we generate a large part of the software instead of developing it manually. This makes the solution faster and easier to change if necessary.

Thanks to our many years of experience in various industries, we are well able to think along with your organization about your information issue and implement a suitable solution.

Do you have an interesting issue?

Would you like to know how we can realize a suitable data solution for your information issue?
Contact us for free advice.

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Use the form below to schedule a free online consultation.

First, select a date and then your preferred time, enter your details, and click ‘Reserve’. You will receive a confirmation of the appointment via email.