
Achieve more results with your own data engineers? We support data engineering teams from various companies with advice and best practices to develop smarter. We do this with a strong focus on model-driven development and code generation.


Achieve more results with your own data engineers? We support data engineering teams from various companies with advice and best practices to develop smarter. We do this with a strong focus on model-driven development and code generation.

Agile, DevOps, Shift Left testing; more and more companies are changing the rhythm of software development and want to start working cyclically for a short time, deliver more often and in smaller releases. This often means that it is necessary to automate parts of the development, test and deployment process.

We cannot deliver new functionality fast enough

Compared to other branches of software development, the implementation of the above aspects in a data warehouse or BI project is less obvious; Many ETL tools and database platforms do not lend themselves very well to development automation. Large (production-like) data sets are regularly used for testing and deployment is often a process where the necessary manual steps are required, if only to be able to roll out a new release while retaining the data present in the system.

CrossBreeze helps organizations implement an agile method by focusing on model-driven software development and test automation.

Our working method enables organizations to accelerate software development and improve quality using their existing technology and architecture.

We have experience with various on-premise and cloud platforms. Our self-developed tools are largely technology independent, so that our approach can be tailored to your specific situation.

Need to speed up?

Want to know more about how we can help your team accelerate?
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