
Our user-friendly framework for test automation on data solutions. With CrossTest, test scenarios can be defined in natural language. Unique to CrossTest is that no dataset needs to be prepared to perform the test scenarios, the data is part of the test specification. This makes it possible to develop much faster and more isolated tests.

CrossTest is our user-friendly framework for test automation on data solutions. Frequently used test scenarios for data solution are supported in this framework. This could include filling a table with a few records, performing an ETL process and then comparing the result with what is expected in another table.

Because we want to stimulate the application of test automation within our field, we develop CrossTest under the GPLv3 license. The framework is open source and can be used without license costs.

Features of CrossTest are:

The CrossTest sentences (phrases) have been developed in two different versions of the framework, namely:

Need help?

When you want to start using CrossTest we can help you to get a kick-start. This way you can be up and testing as fast as possible. The table below shows the costs for the different types of support that can be offered for CrossTest.
Type of supportRate excluding VAT
Per mail
Remote per hour€130
Multi ticket 20 hours remote
(valid for one year)
On-site per half day€725
On-site per day€1.250
All amounts on this page are in Euros and excluding VAT.

Increase the quality in your project team?

Would you like to use test automation in your project? Implementing a green build culture?
Please contact us for an appointment.

Afspraak plannen

Met onderstaande formulier kunt u vrijblijvend een online gesprek plannen.

Kies eerst een datum en vervolgens het tijdstip naar uw wens, vul uw gegevens in en klik op ‘Reserveren’. U krijgt een bevestiging van de afspraak per mail toegezonden.

Schedule appointment

Use the form below to schedule a free online consultation.

First, select a date and then your preferred time, enter your details, and click ‘Reserve’. You will receive a confirmation of the appointment via email.